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About Halsey Hall

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Our History

The present hall has the distinction of being the only purpose-built temple in the province of Hertfordshire. Originally the land stretched to adjoin the Elms, a large mansion that was demolished and sited where we now have the town hall, and to the side taking in the building next door. Later a compulsory purchase reduced the land to the size we have today.

As seen in the photograph, the foundation stone was laid in 1925 by the then Deputy Grand Master of England, the Rt Honourable Sir Thomas Frederick Halsey MP. Once built the Hall was consecrated and has changed very little over the last 98 years, the bar, kitchen and lift being later additions.

There were 20 founding lodges/chapters at Halsey Hall, Watford. Each Lodge is listed below: -

Berkhamsted R/Croix 532

Bessie Lodge  6563

Bissei Chapter 6563

Broxbourne Mark 428

Cassiobury 3234

Earl of Clarendon 1984

Edward & Alexandra 3171

James Parsons Mark 974

Leavesden 6642

North Watford 6918

Old Fullerian  4698

Oliver Cockram R/Croix 180

Oxhey Lodge  6864

Rickmansworth 2218

Stuart Preceptory 26

West Herts 8207

West Watford 8492

Watford 404

Watford Mark 241

Watford R.A.M. 241

Halsey Hall in the Community

As a working masonic lodge Halsey Hall members take an active interest in the local community and wherever possible we try to help local organisations that contribute towards making Watford a better place to live.

Donation to Playskill

We recently  presented a cheque to Andrea Clarke, Director Paediatric Physiotherapist, Playskill who provided us with a short address.

Playskill was selected by The Halsey Hall Events Team as our main charity for our St George’s Day 2022 luncheon where 100 brethren and their guests attended an excellent annual event. Playskill run parent and child term-time groups for pre-school children with special physical needs.

We raised £750 for Playskill as previously achieved at our St George's day luncheons for other charities.


Supporting Watford Street Angels

Halsey Hall Events Team recently held an event that raised £750 for Watford Street Angels, a group of volunteers who go out at weekends and bank holidays giving assistance to those who may need it after a night on the town.

Among the many things they do is to offer bottled water to those feeling dehydrated after clubbing, flip-flop shoes to anyone who has broken a high heel, or is footsore from wearing them and in certain cases arrange transport for those unable to get home. They also deal with injuries (first aid and call ambulance assitance) and offer counselling to those suffering upset after a night out.

Seen in this photo (L-R) are: 

The line up is David Scourfield Lead Chaplain Watford Town Centre Chaplaincy (WTCC), Martin Good (Watford Chapter), Steve Read (Garston Lodge), Nick Tessier (Watford Lodge) and Colin Baldock (Watford Lodge).

Also part of the team but not present, thanks go to Jerry Nott (Watford Chapter), Steve Thornley (Wilson Isles), Brian Handley, Alex Handley, Tony Smith (all Watford Lodge) and  Alistair Shirley (Kudu Lodge).

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